How much caffeine does a coffee have?

Coffee is the largest dietary source of caffeine, but actually What is caffeine? It is a stimulant found naturally in coffee and a variety of beverages. Stimulates the heart, muscles and central nervous system.

The amount of it contained in a cup of coffee depends on many factors. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • Roasting: the lighter ones have more than the darker ones.
  • Type of coffee beans: Depending on the type of grain, it may contain different amounts.
  • Grinding degree: The finer it is, the greater proportion it contains.
  • Coffee type: It can change depending on whether the coffee is regular brew, espresso, instant coffee, or decaffeinated coffee.
  • Portion size: the coffee cup can vary from 30 to 700 ml, which affects its content.
  • Preparation type: The more extraction, the more caffeine you get.

As a rough guide measure, the European Food Safety Authority indicates the approximate quantities for some types of coffee:

  • Espresso (60 ml): 80 mg.
  • Decaffeinated (150ml) 3mg
  • American (354 ml): 154 mg.
  • Instant (236 ml): 57 mg.
  • Coffee in capsules: between 55 and 65 mg per coffee.

Of our variants, the specialty coffee with the highest amount of caffeine is the Tanzania Mondul, although the difference with the Burundi Kibira and the DR Congo Virunga It is minimal.

Our specialty decaffeinated coffee is Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Swiss Water.

We also have a low-caffeine specialty coffee, the Honduras Low Caffeine.


There are also other sources of caffeine such as cola, tea, guarana and cocoa. The daily caffeine consumption limit recommended by the EFSA is 500 mg daily.

Caffeine has benefits such as improving intellectual performance, increasing concentration, improving sports performance or feeling more energetic. Although it also has side effects such as insomnia, restlessness, nervousness, headache, anxiety and even chest pain. Therefore, the important thing is to be aware of the amount of caffeine that our body can handle so that it does not affect our health.

We also have compostable specialty coffee capsules! (Compatible with Nespresso machines)

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