Welcome to our series of experiences dedicated to the exciting world of coffee!

In each experience, we will explore the secrets of this wonderful drink, from its origin and cultivation process, to the different preparation and tasting techniques. Join us on this fascinating journey through the aromas, flavors and textures that make coffee a true work of art.

 Get ready to discover a new way to enjoy your favorite cup of coffee!

The experience we propose to you is one immersion in the Asian world, an alcoholic drink made with a base of Espresso, condensed milk, and a mixture of Licor 43 and Brandy; all macerated with cinnamon, lemon and coffee beans.

We invite you to learn about its history, its curiosities, its ingredients and its recipe; You will learn how to make it and taste the Asian in different and delicious versions. 

Each module is designed to provide you with a deep and complete understanding from the world of coffee, ensuring that you finish the course with comprehensive knowledge and a new appreciation for this complex and delicious beverage.

Get ready to embark on an educational and sensory journey through the universe of coffee with Cafelab!

We will learn to appreciate the subtle aromas, deep flavors and balanced acidity that each coffee offers us. Additionally, we will detail the tasting process, from visual observation to appreciation of the aftertaste, to fully understand the complexity of this delicious drink.


In these Masterclasses we will immerse ourselves in the fascinating world of coffee preparation using different coffee makers. 

Each method requires meticulous attention to several key factors that influence the final result of our cup of coffee.